
Opening chakras through Energy Reading

New Spirit Coach

My name is Katha and I work as a New Spirit Coach in Ingolstadt. Last year I completed my training as a New Spirit Coach and Energy Consultant with Bahar Yilmaz and Jeffrey Kastenmüller. In this training I learned to open chakras, to perceive energies, to read and thus to help other people with their challenges and to give valuable impulses for their lives.

Love, joy or sadness - many of us perceive these feelings relatively easily in the other person. What if I tell you that we can perceive so much more than you may have previously thought?

Energy Reading

As a mediumistic and sensitive consultant according to the New Spirit concept, you are able to help people on an energetic level, regardless of whether it is a partnership, professional or health challenge that the person is struggling with. Because everything that shows itself in the gross has its origin in the aura and the other energy centers around the human being. Every person has a very individual aura. It is the energy center of the body. With energy you can also simply understand the flow of life. If the energy flows harmoniously and fluidly, the person is mentally, mentally and physically healthy and in balance. However, if we are tense and hard in our way of thinking, for example, the body also hardens so that less energy can flow and blockages can occur.

The aura differs from person to person in form, content, color and structure. It consists of different layers or bodies and shows important topics for the person. The chakras, the energy centers in our body, also show up in a person's aura. These are responsible for transforming the energy that we absorb and forwarding it to the different parts of the body. Each chakra has its own character and area of ​​responsibility. The goal is to open all the chakras so that they work together as a team and in this way the energy in our system is in a harmonious flow. In addition, the current life situation, problems, vitality of the body, unconscious thought patterns and behavior patterns, stress, relationship patterns, skills, trauma and much more can be read in the aura. A personal energy reading is ideal for a wide variety of topics. You can get helpful impulses for professional questions, partnership problems, health challenges, family issues or other life issues.

The aura is not visible to the physical eye because it exists on the subtle plane. Basically, each of us can see the aura, but we have mostly forgotten it in the course of our lives. Children still perceive the energy field because they have not yet acquired any filters in perception and are completely unbiased. Unlike most adults, children do not see the aura as something unnatural. Due to social influences, these skills are usually suppressed and forgotten with increasing age. However, you can rediscover and develop your sensitive-medium skills at any time.

How do I proceed in an Energy/Aura Reading session?

In a reading I sensitively read information from the client's aura. It shows emotions, processes, blockages, talents and connections. This gives me a picture of the current situation of the person and the state of their life energy. In a joint discussion, I uncover blind spots, make recommendations and work out suitable solutions together with my client.

If I have aroused your interest in this topic, please follow me on social media or send me a personal message. I would be happy to talk to you about your personal concerns.

Instagram: @katharina.diepold
Facebook: Catherine Diepold

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