Das Heilsteine Armband - Dein energetischer Begleiter für den Alltag

The healing stone bracelet - your energetic companion for everyday life

Why a healing stone bracelet is valuable for your yoga practice and everyday life

When it comes to healing stones, opinions are divided. Even in ancient times there was a people of kemetics who dealt with the special vibrations that should emanate from the healing stones. They attribute health, happiness, love and wealth to these healing stones, the precious crystals. Healing stones are said to relieve depression and anxiety, build self-confidence and strengthen concentration. The effect of healing stones has not been scientifically proven. With our information, we do not make any promises of healing within the meaning of the HWG (HWG = Medicines Act)

Gemstones, used as healing stones, consist of atoms, which are always in motion. These generate energy and emit vibrations. These energies of the healing stones do not have a physical effect. The effect of the healing stones supports the cosmic life energy, the prana. The healing stones thus dissolve resistance and blockages in the flow of energy. This effect of the healing stones has a positive effect on our mental and physical health, so that the self-healing powers are activated.

Healing stones should be worn on the body, here also as jewelry, in the form of a necklace or a bracelet. But healing stones can also be a beautiful decoration in the apartment or as gemstone water in a carafe. Healing stones are not only a support as a decorative bracelet. Healing stones can also support you with singing bowl massage, singing bowl therapy or when using incense.

energetic support

  • Chakras are the junctions for mental and physical blockages. Our bracelets with healing stones can help you find and maintain inner balance
  • Healing stones have protective and harmonizing properties of the individual chakras
  • Healing stones can help to ward off negative energies and strengthen your own energy fields
  • People with well strengthened chakras have a strong charisma. A bracelet with healing stones can help you here.
  • Each chakra has a specific quality, such as vitality, love, mental clarity, creativity, or sexual power. Each chakra has its healing stone assignment here.
  • A strong heart chakra is filled with compassion, kindness, love and harmony. A bracelet with the healing stone rose quartz will help you to achieve a strong heart chakra.

Our selection of healing stones for your bracelet


  • Healing Stone of Confidence
  • Helps solve problems
  • Promotes concentration
  • Promotes love
  • Freed from anger


  • Healing stone of spiritual development and intuition
  • Calms the mind and promotes relaxation
  • Releases blockages and inhibitions
  • Helps to find inner peace
  • Promotes concentration


  • Helps with depression
  • Healing stone to strengthen your self-confidence
  • Strengthens the partnership with love and fidelity
  • Strengthens resilience


  • Brings you harmony and relaxation
  • Helps you to regulate forces
  • Supports serenity, creativity,
  • Healing stone of openness, tolerance, friendship and warmth

rock crystal

  • Universal healing stone that symbolizes clarity and purity
  • Enhances the effect of the other healing stones
  • Calmed down
  • Increases self-awareness


  • Healing stone of joie de vivre and optimism
  • Strengthens self-confidence and intuition
  • Has a calming, connecting effect
  • Works enlightening


  • Promotes positive energy
  • Healing stone of courage, steadfastness, vitality and energy
  • Supports you in your zest for life
  • Strengthens business acumen


  • Healing stone against grief, depression and stress
  • Should help to process disappointments better
  • Brings you joy of life and self-confidence back
  • Strengthens the nerves


  • Healing stone to ward off misfortune
  • Gives courage and strength
  • Helps to pay more attention to one's own needs


  • Healing stone of connections and friendships
  • Has a clarifying effect
  • Promotes balance


  • Healing stone for equilibrium and balance
  • Should protect against negative stress
  • Keep the memory young
  • Boosts self-confidence

Lapis Lazuli

  • Heilstein to make the right decisions
  • To improve concentration
  • promote leadership skills


  • Healing stone to encourage your imagination
  • When lovesick
  • to harmonize the partnership
  • Sharpens the senses and perception


  • Healing stone for youthful radiance
  • Help to get good and deep sleep
  • Eliminate anxiety and mood swings
  • Strengthen spontaneity and joie de vivre
  • Promote the immune system and digestion


  • Healing stone for purity, calm and peace
  • Clear thinking and clarity of thought
  • Promotes inner balance, mindfulness
  • Releases clarifying powers

rose quartz

  • Healing Stone of Love and Compassion
  • Should comfort in lovesickness and heal the soul
  • Promotes self-love and emotional healing
  • Should protect against negative energies
  • Eliminate blockages, tension and fears
  • open the heart


  • Said to promote devotion and sexuality
  • Healing stone for love and sexuality
  • Should promote sensitivity in the relationship
  • Help to develop desires and needs


  • Healing Stone of Willpower
  • Should strengthen the nerves
  • calm the mind
  • drive away fears


  • Healing stone of beauty, harmony and justice
  • Should bring clarity and mental balance
  • Protect against meaning and life crises


  • Should clear blockages
  • help you get into balance
  • To help you nurture your truth and talent
  • Healing stone to strengthen self-confidence and to stay true to you


  • Healing stone, which should ward off evil and evil spirits
  • Should help avert dangers and diseases
  • Staying positive and optimistic in difficult times
  • Improve communication skills


  • Healing stone to protect against negative energies
  • Should promote harmony
  • Stimulate positive thinking and energy flow
  • Should have an invigorating and stimulating effect


How to properly clean and energetically care for your healing stone bracelet

cleaning and unloading

  • We recommend cleaning the healing stone bracelet regularly under cold running water
  • There is no hard and fast rule as to when you should clean your healing stone bracelet
  • Healing stones in the case of the bracelet you always wear on your body, so the healing stones can absorb your energy, and the healing stone bracelet discharges itself under cold water
  • The bracelet can be unloaded overnight in a bowl with hematite stones

be placed

charging and activation

  • Put the bracelet in the sun or moonlight for a few hours to charge
  • Moonlight has an even stronger effect on your healing stone bracelet
  • Use the regenerating energy of the waxing moon to charge your bracelet.
  • Full and new moon, as well as the waning moon are not so good for charging the healing stones.
  • Before wearing the bracelet for the first time, hold it in your hands, rinse briefly with cold water and adjust it to your own wishes and intentions


How do I find the right healing stone bracelet for me?

  • Let your gut feeling guide you and choose the stones that appeal to you the most. You can also note the meanings of each healing stone to make a choice.
  • Mind method: you look for a healing stone in a book, read the description and choose the healing stone that suits you at the moment.
  • Color method: you close your eyes and feel which color of one of the healing stones occupies you the most.
  • Feeling method: you touch a healing stone and you know immediately that it should be your healing stone
  • Intuitive method: you came across a stone at some point by chance. Your gut feeling advises you to use this healing stone.

How often should I clean and charge my Healing Stones Bracelet?

  • It is recommended to clean and charge the bracelet at least once a month to preserve the energetic properties of the healing stones.
  • When your bracelet no longer shines clear and pure
  • When the moon is waning, you should definitely charge your healing stone bracelet
  • If you have the feeling that your healing stone bracelet needs to be cleaned or charged

Can I also wear my healing stone bracelet during yoga?

  • Yes, the healing stone bracelet can be worn during yoga to benefit from the energetic properties of the stones during the practice.
  • In order to relax more deeply or to become calmer and more balanced, you should wear your healing stone bracelet while doing yoga
  • In order to feel the positive vibrations of the healing stones and their effects, you should also wear your healing stone bracelet during yoga

Natürliche Heilkraft für Körper und Seele: Unsere Balsam Kollektion

Unse Balsam bietet Ihnen eine einzigartige Auswahl an natürlichen Produkten, die Ihnen bei der Heilung von Körper und Seele helfen können. Unsere Balsame sind aus hochwertigen und natürlichen Zutaten hergestellt, die Ihnen ein authentisches und intensives Wohlfühlerlebnis bieten. Ob Sie nach einem entspannenden Balsam für Ihre Muskeln und Gelenke suchen oder nach einem beruhigenden Balsam für Ihre Haut, unsere Kollektion bietet Ihnen eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten. Durchstöbern Sie jetzt unsere Balsam-Kollektion und erleben Sie die natürliche Heilkraft für Körper und Seele.

Entspannung pur: Unsere Kräuterkissen-Kollektion für einen stressfreien Alltag

Unsere Kräuterkissen-Kollektion bietet Ihnen eine einfache Möglichkeit, Entspannung in Ihren Alltag zu bringen. Unsere Kissen sind gefüllt mit natürlichen Kräutern und bieten Ihnen somit eine natürliche und sanfte Unterstützung für Ihre Entspannungspraktiken. Ob Sie nach einem Kissen für eine entspannte Nacht suchen oder nach einem Kissen für die Linderung von Muskel- und Gelenkschmerzen, unsere Kollektion bietet Ihnen eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten. Unsere Kräuterkissen sind nicht nur effektiv, sondern auch stilvoll und ästhetisch ansprechend verpackt. Entdecken Sie jetzt unsere Kräuterkissen-Kollektion und erleben Sie Entspannung pur.

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