Das Mantra Aum oder „Om“

The Mantra Aum or "Om"

Probably the most famous mantra AUM, better known as OM. OM is sung at the beginning and end of many yoga classes. The word mantra is translated as "protection of the mind" as it is composed of the words manas (mind) and tra (protection).

What is a mantra?

A mantra is a repetition of sacred verses or syllables, which are both
spoken, whispered, thought as well as sung. By reciting them again and again, they are supposed to develop a spiritual power.
The mantra has its origin in the Vedas. “OM” is an integral part of a yoga practice.
But also in Hinduism and Buddhism, mantras are often used in practice
built in, for example in the form of a meditation mantra AUM or OM.

What is the meaning of OM?

There are many meanings of the word AUM or OM.
Basically it can be said that OM represents the primal sound of life. I find the meaning of AUM particularly beautiful when A symbolizes the past, U the present and M the future, so OM is a kind of universal expression.
Anyone who has ever chanted AUM or OM in a large group knows the power behind OM.
Not only through the sound of the OM in the ears, but much more through the oscillation and vibration in our body, which can be felt in every cell.
And those of you who know a bit about yoga and mantra also know that Om often comes at the beginning of polysyllabic mantras,
which is very important especially in Hinduism.

What mantra is there?

Hindu Mantra - Om Namah Shivaya:

This mantra is an example of Om also being at the beginning of a polysyllabic mantra.
This mantra is mainly known from Hinduism and means:
"I bow to Shiva".
True, Shiva is one of the main gods in Hinduism, but in this mantra
Shiva rather symbolizes the divine or the wisdom within ourselves.
Buddhist Mantra - Om Mani padme Hum:
This mantra is a well-known mantra from Buddhism and mine
personal favorite mantra. Om Mani padme Hum can be briefly translated as a mantra for compassion and healing.
But the meaning behind it is broken down:
Om - ignorance
Ma - jealousy
Ni - arrogance
Pad - Insatiable Desire
Me - fear or sloth
Hum - hate
The mantra Om Mani padme Hum is also said to help one detach from these emotions. The mantra represents compassion, love and healing.
And here not only for others, but above all for one
itself. In Buddhism, compassion is one of the fundamental attitudes, and this mantra supports us very well in that.

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