The flower of life
The Flower of Life is an ancient symbol of sacred geometry in the golden ratio. The flower of life is a symbol of infinity, perfect order, infinite love and perfect harmony. The flower of life - a graphic representation of the perfection of being - is made up of 19 circles, 12 semicircles, 6 thirds circles and 18 sixths circles and can be found in almost all cultures on earth. The flower of life was first found in 645 BC. On the doorsteps of the palace of King Assurbaiapli in Dur Sarrukin in Assyria, but also in Egypt, China, India, Greece, Bulgaria, Israel and Peru, the flower of life was found on buildings or as jewelry.
The flower of life gives harmony and peace for body, mind and soul, negative vibrations can be transformed with their help. If we place a glass of water, for example, on a coaster with the flower of life, the water molecules will resume their original vibration (primordial harmony). Due to the exact order, the flower of life is said to transform negative vibrations and strengthen positive vibrations. These are supported by the flower of life on jewelry, clothing, but also by a wall hanging when meditating. The flower of life also creates a protective ring against electrosmog, geopathic disturbance zones or water veins, for example through a wall hanging, and transforms these harmful energetic vibrations.
Physicists such as the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto have demonstrated the positive effect of rearranging the molecules. Masaru Emoto has frozen water from various sources under different influences, such as music, and examined and photographed the various crystal formations with the microscope. He found that water reacts to these influences when forming its crystals, in which the crystals form in very different ways.
The flower of life has a pattern that can be compared to the symmetrical crystal structure of water. This energy has a harmonizing effect on water. It is assumed that the flower of life harmonizes the structure of the water. We are talking about an energizing of the water. This energy is a kind of life energy that our cells use, without which diseases can develop. This space energy is harmonious, in contrast to mechanical energy. Mechanical energy causes a chaotic arrangement of the water molecules, as the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto proved with his experiments. Health is understood as a whole, as a unity between body and mind in harmony. Flower of Life is in harmony
The effect of the flower of life lies between science and spirituality, as the effect cannot be 100% proven.
Even if the effect of the Flower of Life cannot be scientifically proven, the perfect pattern of the Flower of Life has a very calming effect.