Neumondwünschen- so geht es

New moon wishes - that's how it works

New moon wishes - that's how it works


The new moon is like a blank page in the book of your life - the right time to reflect and set new intentions.

Invite yourself to new projects, goals and ideas. The next new moon is always around the 30th of a month.

  1. Set intention:

What do I want to achieve in the coming month? This can be things like: "I want to move more"... Take a moment. Write down your wishes and personal goals, it shouldn't be more than 10 and it should only concern yourself. Once you are clear, put them in writing.

  1. Visualize:

Take a deep breath. What would you like to welcome? Open yourself to your heart's desire - how are you doing? What feeling is spreading through your body - friends, relaxation, relief, a tingling, pounding heart...?

  1. Manifest:

Take a deep breath. Imagine the whole thing in your mind and put yourself in the new situation. Does the new vision of the future fit into your life? how does it feel for you

  1. smoking :

Once you have finished making your New Moon wishes, it is important that you purify your space by lighting some clarifying incense sticks or a bundle of white sage. Here you can also incense your body from head to toe. This is very important to banish negative energies. After that you purify yourself and air the room so that the negative energy leaves you.

  1. meditation :

Close your eyes, sit on your meditation cushion and take several deep breaths. Repeat your intentions in your mind several times. Be mindful, how does your body feel?

  1. trace:

See the progress of your intensities daily. The energy of the new moon is a very good amplifier. Recognize the things that need adjustment. The focus is enough to draw your desires into your life.

Take the time to honor the new moon each month. A little time for yourself, for this beautiful ritual , and you will notice how your life changes positively and how things develop.

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