Ratschläge, um in eine lebenswerte und glückliche Zukunft blicken zu können

Advice on how to look forward to a livable and happy future

The Dalai Lama knows the rules of happiness. Applying and following the rules doesn't seem to work for most people. Yet it can be so simple. There is a solution to banish boredom, feelings of inferiority, resentment, envy and frustration, which are the causes of many diseases, often obesity, from our lives. The bad mood is over! Are you aware that you can easily bring your good mood and thus feelings of happiness out of your subconscious. In the US, the pursuit of happiness is even part of the constitution.

self love

We all know the stuff that dreams are made of that we can turn into reality. In the beginning there should be self-love. I've started to understand that one is always in the right place at the right time for every opportunity and everything that happens is right, so emotional pain and suffering are just warnings. I also knew how to treat others and myself with respect. I've stopped making grandiose plans for the future. Today I do what brings me joy and happiness and what makes me laugh. I let all of this happen at my own pace, out of my simplicity.

Very quickly, accompanied by healthy egoism, I began to separate myself from people, things, situations and even food that pulled me down and took me away from myself. I practiced modesty and stopped always wanting to be right. It seemed important to me to stop living in the past and worry about my future. I prefer to live in this moment when everything happens. I was helped and always accompanied by my daily yoga exercises. First I learned to breathe correctly and consciously, then I added light exercises that I enjoyed more and more every day.

The all-important question then came into my life as if by itself: What dreams do you have? When do you start living dreams? when do you start to realize your innermost thoughts? Everything then magically comes to me as if by itself, as if by a master's hand!

Now I know how good it feels. I can experience it anew every day during my 10-minute yoga break.



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Wohlfühlen mit gutem Gewissen: Unsere nachhaltigen Handtücher

Unsere nachhaltigen Handtücher sind nicht nur unglaublich weich und bequem, sondern auch umweltfreundlich und nachhaltig produziert. Wir bieten eine Auswahl an Handtüchern, die aus biologischen oder recycelten Materialien hergestellt wurden, um die Umweltbelastung zu minimieren. Unsere Handtücher sind in verschiedenen Größen, Farben und Designs erhältlich, so dass Sie garantiert das perfekte Handtuch für Ihre Bedürfnisse finden werden. Durchstöbern Sie jetzt unsere nachhaltigen Handtücher und fühlen Sie sich gut dabei, Ihren Teil zum Umweltschutz beizutragen.

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