
Resilience - You always have a choice

Resilience means jumping back, rebounding, getting up again What distinguishes people who fall ill early and are not resilient from others who remain healthy into old age . Does it have anything to do with resilience? An example of extraordinary resilience was Viktor Frankl. In 1946 he published a book that was successful worldwide "... still say yes to life". In 1942 he was in the Theresienstadt concentration camp with his parents and his wife and was the only one in his family to survive the Theresienstadt, Ausschwitz and Dachau camps one after the other. Quote from Viktor Frankl: "The ultimate in human freedom is to adapt one way or another to the given circumstances." 

How can we train resilience?

The core question is which situation can I change or influence and what lies outside the zone of influenceability ? "Give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." How can I emerge stronger from a crisis? When and how can I see a problem as a challenge? What can I do to stay fit and healthy? The most important thing is to set clear goals. To become not a victim but a creator of one's own world. belief in change. Avoid negative emotions. Emotion control does not mean suppressing feelings. Happiness is also an emotion and therefore controllable. Resilient people take the right actions to regain emotional well-being. You are able to turn negative emotions into positive ones. This includes developing analytical skills. Using one's own resources intelligently, ie getting to know one's own emotional experience and identifying negative feelings. An important training opportunity for resilience are mindfulness exercises or meditation. Mindfulness means focusing on the here and now with a nonjudgmental view of things that are happening right now. Psychological research results prove: optimists are more successful and the ability to resilience is described as inner strength. 

The image associated with it is the "Staufmann," which is able to stand up again from any given position .

resilience characters

Resilient people are able to show strength. The associated image resembles a rock that lets every surf ricochet off and thus defies all negative influences . 

Faith is the strongest power - "Faith moves mountains". In addition to the serenity exercises, it is important to let go of negative and limiting beliefs and to develop helpful beliefs. 

We create reality and thus our own strong personality with what we believe. The pressure, the disappointment, the grief, the loss, the defeat can be huge. If I am able to create reality and therefore my own personality with what I believe. Developing these beliefs, memorizing them, and keeping them in the back of your mind constantly, even when they seem a tad too big, can shape our thoughts and program the brain in one direction.

If you only think of the words that Viktor Frankl followed in his difficult life: "The ultimate human freedom is to adapt one way or another to the given circumstances." You actually always have a choice! 



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