
Mit diesen 5 Tipps wird dein nächstes Yoga Outfit zum Hingucker!

With these 5 tips, your next yoga outfit will b...

How do I combine my yoga clothes? How often do we women stand in front of our wardrobe without knowing what and how to combine our clothes, maybe also with...

With these 5 tips, your next yoga outfit will b...

How do I combine my yoga clothes? How often do we women stand in front of our wardrobe without knowing what and how to combine our clothes, maybe also with...

Das Mantra Aum oder „Om“

The Mantra Aum or "Om"

Probably the most famous mantra AUM, better known as OM. OM is sung at the beginning and end of many yoga classes. The word mantra is translated as "protection of...

The Mantra Aum or "Om"

Probably the most famous mantra AUM, better known as OM. OM is sung at the beginning and end of many yoga classes. The word mantra is translated as "protection of...