Healing effects on our body
Beautifully designed singing bowls adorn homes, yoga studios, meditation centers, wellness clinics, vibration therapists, retirement homes, hospices and children's centers around the world. But why are singing bowls so popular? Is it just the aesthetics? Partly yes, but the real reason is one that goes back many centuries and has to do with the effect of singing bowls:
The first experience of hearing a singing bowl play might surprise you. Your reaction could be very emotional, purely physical, or immensely reassuring. You may feel tingling or other sensations in your hands and feet, or vibrations throughout your body. Singing bowls affect people differently, a friend may experience something completely different than you. Some people cry, scream, or even fall asleep. The common denominator is that it is a deeply personal and unique experience. There is no "right" or "wrong" response or expected behavior.
Have you ever wondered what healing effects Tibetan singing bowls can have on our bodies? Here are 10 amazing benefits that singing bowl massage or singing bowl therapy can bring:
- Reduces stress and anxiety
- Lowers anger and blood pressure
- Improves blood circulation
- Increases mental and emotional clarity
- Improves the immune system; Fibromyalgia and psoriasis in individuals
- mental health improvement.
- Works in pain therapy.
- Stimulates the immune system.
- Promotes the release of the happiness hormones - endorphins, dopamine and serotonin.
- Calms and focuses the mind for meditation.
How do Tibetan singing bowls help in the healing process?
According to Indian teachings, illness is a manifestation of disharmony in the body - an imbalance in cells or specific organs. Since all matter is energy vibrating at different frequencies, by changing the frequency we can change the structure of matter. The sound vibrations affect our nervous system, activating our relaxation reflex and alleviating the stress or pain response.
The inner dialogue, the "inner critic", is calmed by the sound of the singing bowls. Their sound synchronizes brain waves and increases awareness of the mind-body connection.
All parts of the body have a different resonant frequency. When an organ or other part of the body is "out of tune" or vibrating out of harmony, it's called "discomfort."
The use of singing bowls for healing stems from the idea that every disease is characterized by an obstruction in the flow of energy in the body. When the flow of energy is impeded, the organ or tissue in question stops vibrating at a healthy frequency, and this leads to some form of weakness or disease. The sound frequencies generated by singing bowls restore and optimize the flow of energy in the parts of the body that need it.
Improves the immune system
The vibrations of a singing bowl can also help to stimulate the immune system. Every part of our body vibrates. The sound frequencies produced by a singing bowl help to restore, optimize and balance the flow of energy in the parts of the body that need it. One should always play a singing bowl in a clockwise direction, since the energy in a human body also flows in a clockwise direction.
Balance of the chakras
In the Indian system of healing, when there is a physical dysfunction, it is believed that one or more chakras are blocked or imbalanced. Many people find that the rich blend of harmonic overtones have a direct positive impact on chakra balance. As part of chakra balancing, singing bowls are said to have the ability to balance and balance the sine waves of each chakra. The frequency of a singing bowl can move from chakra to chakra and balance itself.
More and more researchers and scientists know that sound/vibration heals. Successful studies prove that certain diseases can be treated with sound therapy without medical intervention.
We now have the ability to resolve vibrational imbalances in minutes that, if left unchecked, could potentially evolve into more serious medical problems over the years.
If you want to see a collection of singing bowls and utensils from the shop, then click here.