Ashtanga Yoga in Indien

Ashtanga Yoga in India

Ashtanga Yoga in India, how does it feel?
My alarm goes off at 5 a.m. and it's already 30 degrees. My first thought,
that shoots through my head is "how do I get through today?".
During my time in Goa when I was doing my second yoga teacher training
Ashtanga Yoga is a major part of the training. At that time I decided to do this on March
to lay in 2020. What I didn't consider is that March is the hottest month in Goa.
Well, now every day, along with countless other practices, became two hours of Ashtanga
practiced. And that of all times in the afternoon at 4 p.m. without air conditioning or
Fan. You can imagine how hot it was at that time of day...
Physically, I was pushed to my limits and my muscles were sore every day.
Still, I fell into bed blissfully every night as I, through Ashtanga
Yoga, was allowed to get to know the deepest part of my body and mind and me intensively
dealt with myself. Naturally, these divine ones have strengthened this
Temperatures that helped me sweat out some toxins.
Unfortunately, I have to honestly admit that, back in Germany, I quickly got away
decided to practice Ashtanga every day. Therefore, what has already been described here is correct
became. Ashtanga requires regular practice to truly master it
can and at some point move on to the second or third series. Because real
Ashtangis claim that the first series must be mastered perfectly in order to
to advance. Many Ashtanga yoga teachers confirmed this to me
got to know. Rarely have I seen such disciplined people in my life
met. If you bring yourself to do it, a whole one every morning at sunrise
Practicing Ashtanga series overwhelms his daily life with ease.

Helene Engelbach Yoga teacher Leipzig

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