Below I would like to introduce you to the Navel Kriya as I did many years ago
have learned. For me, this is one of the most powerful Kriyas I've practiced so far. For the simple reason that it activates our body center and allows the energy to rise up through our energy channel, sushumna, and through our chakras
distributed throughout our body.
This Kriya Yoga exercise is dedicated to the 3rd chakra, the navel point. The 3rd chakra navel chakra- Manipura is assigned to the element of fire and is responsible for inner strength, individuality and willpower. The 3rd Chakra Manipura ignites the fire, driving force and ideas to accomplishment.
This set in Kriya Yoga balances Prana (life energy) and Apana (excretory energy).
You will probably notice very quickly while practicing that this Kriya is very strenuous
is. Therefore, the times given here are only a guide. Of course you can do the exercises
only repeat it until the activation and the warmth in your body are noticeable
How to practice the kriyas:
-Lie on your back with your legs straight and lift your right leg on an inhale, then lower it on an exhale.
Repeat on the other side and continue in this rhythm for five minutes.
-Lie on your back with your legs straight and your arms stretched overhead. With the inhalation lift both legs up at the same time and with the
bring your legs back down. Repeat this for three minutes.
-Lie on your back, bend your legs towards your chest and wrap your arms around your legs. Stay here for three minutes and relax your body in this pose.
-You lie on your back with your legs bent towards your chest, from here on an inhale stretch your arms outwards until they touch the floor and your legs 60° forward. As you exhale, bend your legs back toward your chest. Repeat this exercise for five minutes.
-Keep your left leg to your chest, extend your right leg up. With the exhalation
stretch your right leg forward and inhale back up. Repeat this side 10 times, then switch to the other side.
-Stand with your arms stretched out overhead. On an exhale, bend into a full forward bend. As you inhale, slowly and carefully straighten yourself up.
Activate your Mulabandha (locked root position - serves to tense the pelvic floor muscles) while exhaling. Repeat this exercise for a minute.
-Shavasana (the corpse pose) for ten minutes.